
Welcome back from the PowerPocalypse.

1. click here to write a proposal for your Input/Output Project – due by end of class today.

2. if you haven’t turned in your Stoplight Arduino and code today is the day!  Please make sure that you have added at least three comments to your code and included your name as a comment.  Print out your from Arduino by clicking on File and Choosing Print.

3. after you finish your proposal and Stoplight, use tinkercad.com to start building your Input/Output program and circuit.


adding comments to your Arduino program

using Serial Monitor in Arduino

programming and wiring a servo in Arduino

programming a buzzer in Arduino

programming a motion sensor in Arduino

programming a photoresistor (light sensor) in Arduino



1. finish your Arduino stoplight program and turn it in to Mr. Milstead,  Make sure that you:
>add comments to your code to explain your program
>place your name at the top of your program as a comment
>use serial monitor in your code
>print out your code
>turn in your printed program and your Arduino and breadboard to Mr. Milstead

2. review the Input/Output Project descriptor – this is your next project

3.click here to submit a proposal for your Input/Output Project – proposal due by Friday, 10/25 at noon for full credit


Hello all- wish I were working with you today.

While I am out – please be respectful of the substitute teacher and keep earning those 5/5 daily grades!

today’s work:
1. finish assembling your real-life Arduino breadboard circuit with three blinking lights.

2. once that is done, follow this link to build your tinkercad.com circuit with a button to control the lights.  This linked page also has the sample program to make the button work.

3. I will ask the substitute teacher to stop class five minutes early for cleanup.

Thanks and see you Tuesday!!


Good work on Tuesday.

Today’s goals:
1. add two more LEDs to your www.tinkercad.com circuit – you will have a total of three LEDs
2. program all three LEDs so that they blink one at a time (like red on, red off, yellow on, yellow off, green on, green off)
3. build your circuit on a REAL Arduino and breadboard.
4. upload your program to the Arduino and watch the lights blink – click here for uploading details.
5. stop class five minutes early to put away Arduino boards and return loose components to the resource table in the shop.  Help me to remember to stop us!

When you finish all of the above, click here for the next part: Adding a button to your circuit.


We will work together in www.tinkercad.com to build and program a circuit.

I will guide you through building the program and circuit.

Start by visiting www.tinkercad.com and creating an account.  If you have a tinkercad account then you may use it.

Once you are logged in to www.tinkercad.com, click on the BLUE Circuits button and the then GREEN Create New Circuit button.

Part 2: building a virtual circuit in tinkercad.com and modifying your code. SHOW ME YOUR CODE for Part 2
Part 3: blinking multiple LEDs SHOW ME YOUR CODE for Part 3
Part 4: adding a button to your circuit


And let’s see what was saved after Thursday’s power outage.

1. after you have finished parts 1-4 (below) your mission is to complete the Arduino Controlled Stoplight.

Part 1: logging in to www.tinkerdcad.com and setting up your first Arduino program
Part 2: building a virtual circuit in tinkercad.com and modifying your code. SHOW ME YOUR CODE for Part 2
Part 3: blinking multiple LEDs SHOW ME YOUR CODE for Part 3
Part 4: adding a button to your circuit

Click here to learn about uploading to your Arduino

Done with the above?  These are the next skills to practice:
1. adding comments to your Arduino program
2. using the Serial Monitor to get your Arduino to talk back

BONUS CONTENT: using servos and an Arduino to make something move


I hope that Wednesday was good for you and that you weren’t affected by the blackout.

1. after you have finished parts 1-4 (below) your mission is to complete the Arduino Controlled Stoplight.

Part 1: logging in to www.tinkerdcad.com and setting up your first Arduino program
Part 2: building a virtual circuit in tinkercad.com and modifying your code. SHOW ME YOUR CODE for Part 2
Part 3: blinking multiple LEDs SHOW ME YOUR CODE for Part 3
Part 4: adding a button to your circuit

Click here to learn about uploading to your Arduino

Done with the above?  These are the next skills to practice:
1. adding comments to your Arduino program
2. using the Serial Monitor to get your Arduino to talk back

BONUS CONTENT: using servos and an Arduino to make something move


Hello..remember that tomorrow (Tuesday) is a Wednesday schedule so you will start with your second period class.


Part 1: logging in to www.tinkerdcad.com and setting up your first Arduino program
Part 2: building a virtual circuit in tinkercad.com and modifying your code. SHOW ME YOUR CODE for Part 2
Part 3: blinking multiple LEDs SHOW ME YOUR CODE for Part 3
Part 4: adding a button to your circuit

Click here to learn about uploading to your Arduino

Done with the above?  These are the next skills to practice:
1. adding comments to your Arduino program
2. using the Serial Monitor to get your Arduino to talk back

You need to know commenting and using Serial Monitor to complete your assignment: Arduino Controlled Stoplight.


We will be together on Arduino programming and circuit building.  Some of you had the opportunity to start the work on Tuesday and the rest of us will begin our work today.

Part 1: logging in to www.tinkerdcad.com and setting up your first Arduino program
Part 2: building a virtual circuit in tinkercad.com and modifying your code. SHOW ME YOUR CODE for Part 2
Part 3: blinking multiple LEDs SHOW ME YOUR CODE for Part 3
Part 4: adding a button to your circuit