
Quiz/Schematic review

Last day of outputs

Goals by end of class:

  1. Minimum goal by end of class to earn a B grade on this unit: complete factory challenge – use the Factory Challenge Help Desk with Mr. Varvil.
  2. Eligible for an A grade: Click here to Play a Scale on an Arduino.  Can you modify the program to play a SHORT tune?  Build this circuit NEXT to your Factory Challenge circuit or on a separate breadboard.  Do not destroy your Factory Challenge circuit.
  3. Controlling Sound with Light using an Arduino  Use a photoresistor to control the sound output from a piezo buzzer.  Build this circuit NEXT to your Factory Challenge circuit or on a separate breadboard.  Do not destroy your Factory Challenge circuit.

End of period – turn in boards with your name.  We will evaluate your boards based on your progress.


Test day

After you finish your exam please continue your work on the Factory Challenge and the Pendulum Challenge.

Done?  Great.

You have controlled a motor and LEDs with an Arduino.  Now it’s time for sound.

Click here to Play a Scale on an Arduino.  Can you modify the program to play a SHORT tune?

Controlling Sound with Light using an Arduino  Use a photoresistor to control the sound output from a piezo buzzer.


Arduino Blink

Challenge 1: Click here to program your Arduino to blink the onboard LED

Challenge 2: Click here to program your Arduino to blink an LED on a breadboard

Challenge 3: Blink multiple LEDs on your breadboard

Extension activity: see Mr. Varvil for a schematic that will help you to control with and Arduino program.

Need help troubleshooting your c0nnection to Arduino?

What is adafruit.com?   Who started the company?   LadyAda choose her nickname in honor of Ada Lovelace

Sample Arduino Projects

Arduino Controlled Fan

Arduino Celebrity Silencer

Arduino Power Lacer

Arduino Turn Signal Jacket