
Computer Lab – Final Exam Tasks:

  1. Complete ONE of the exercises below.
  2. Complete the anonymous class survey.

You may:
-use drakesoe.wordpress.com for help
-you may refer to your previous programs

You may NOT:
-get help from anyone else
-use anyone else’s work

Final example questions – choose and complete ONLY ONE TASK:
CAD/CAM – 123d Design – click here for task

Arduino Programming – click here for task

Click here for starter Arduino code



  1. Final Exam Prep
  2. Final day to work on Pinball projects

Final example sample questions:
CAD/CAM – 123d Design – click here for sample task

Arduino Programming – click here for sample task

What will the final exam look like?
1. Groups will not work on their Pinball Project during the final exam period.  Projects will be graded based on their completion at the end of class on December 18th.
2. You will have a final exam that will cover the following topics:
a. wiring – be able to identify properly wired circuits.
b. shop safety and tool use
c. choice: either an Arduino programming exercise or design a specific item in 123d Design.
3. You will play – and grade – each other’s pinball machines during our final exam session.

Pinball Project – at the end of class today place your Pinball Machine as directed.

Pinball Resources:

  1. Arduino programming: your pinball program is like your stoplight program- an input (the button) triggers and output (LED).
    basic structure of an Arduino program with if/else
    -programming servos using Arduino
    how to wire and program a Piezo buzzer (noisemaker).  Only add this to your pinball machine if you already have THREE WORKING OUTPUTS.
  2. Inputs:
    how to wire an input (switch, copper tape, etc)
    -the input must closed/triggered long enough for the program to loop through one time
    -input ideas: trigger a ball release, use copper tape to make a switch, catch and hold the pinball


UPDATE: You will be able to work on your Pinball Projects on Monday, December 18th.  This is an hour and a half work period.

Final Exam:
1. Groups will not work on their Pinball Project during the final exam period.  Projects will be graded based on their completion at the end of class on December 18th.
2. You will have a final exam that will cover the following topics:
a. wiring – be able to identify properly wired circuits.
b. shop safety and tool use
c. choice: either an Arduino programming exercise or design a specific item in 123d Design.
3. You will play – and grade – each other’s pinball machines during our final exam session.

Pinball Resources:

  1. Arduino programming: your pinball program is like your stoplight program- an input (the button) triggers and output (LED).
    basic structure of an Arduino program with if/else
    -programming servos using Arduino
    how to wire and program a Piezo buzzer (noisemaker).  Only add this to your pinball machine if you already have THREE WORKING OUTPUTS.
  2. Inputs:
    how to wire an input (switch, copper tape, etc)
    -the input must closed/triggered long enough for the program to loop through one time
    -input ideas: trigger a ball release, use copper tape to make a switch, catch and hold the pinball


This is your last full week to work on your Pinball Project.

We will be inviting the community to play your pinball machines next week.


  1. Review the Pinball Project description.  What do you have left to do?
  2. Review the Pinball Project rubric.  What would your grade be TODAY?
  3. Focus on your feedback form that we gave you last week.


  1. Inputs:
    how to wire an input (switch, copper tape, etc)
    -the input must closed/triggered long enough for the program to loop through one time
    -input ideas: trigger a ball release, use copper tape to make a switch, catch and hold the pinball
  2. Arduino programming: your pinball program is like your stoplight program- an input (the button) triggers and output (LED).
    basic structure of an Arduino program with if/else
    -programming servos using Arduino
    how to wire and program a Piezo buzzer (noisemaker).  Only add this to your pinball machine if you already have THREE WORKING OUTPUTS.


By the end of class today:
1. Print out your Arduino pinball program – even if it is INCOMPLETE.
2. Work with your partner to complete the Pinball Progress Report.
3. Tape the program printout to your pinball machine.
4. Place your pinball machine as directed by Milstead and Varvil.

CAD/CAM designs are due at the end of class TODAY.  Work on your CAD/CAM designs TODAY or come to room 127 during tutorial Wednesday (tomorrow).

Save time and read the Laser Cutting Guidelines BEFORE you submit.  

These groups either have not submitted a CAD/CAM file or need to redo the file.  Please see Mr. Milstead if you need help or have questions:


  1. Inputs:
    -the input must closed/triggered long enough for the program to loop through one time
    -input ideas: trigger a ball release, use copper tape to make a switch, catch and hold the pinball
  2. Arduino programming: your pinball program is like your stoplight program- an input (the button) triggers and output (LED).
    basic structure of an Arduino program with if/else
    -programming servos using Arduino
  3. BEFORE you send me a design for laser cutting read the laser cutting guidelines.
  4. Designs for the 3D printer must:
    -be your own design
    -be no larger than 120mm by 120 mm
    -emailed to drakd3dprinter@gmail.com


CAD/CAM designs are due at the end of class on Thursday, December 7th.  Work on your CAD/CAM designs TODAY or come to room 127 during tutorial Wednesday (tomorrow).

Save time and read the Laser Cutting Guidelines BEFORE you submit.  

These groups either have not submitted a CAD/CAM file or need to redo the file.  Please see Mr. Milstead if you need help or have questions:


  1. Inputs:
    -the input must closed/triggered long enough for the program to loop through one time
    -input ideas: trigger a ball release, use copper tape to make a switch, catch and hold the pinball
  2. Arduino programming: your pinball program is like your stoplight program- an input (the button) triggers and output (LED).
    basic structure of an Arduino program with if/else
    -programming servos using Arduino
  3. BEFORE you send me a design for laser cutting read the laser cutting guidelines.
  4. Designs for the 3D printer must:
    -be your own design
    -be no larger than 120mm by 120 mm
    -emailed to drakd3dprinter@gmail.com


Have you started programming your Arduino yet?  Your program is worth 25% of your grade.

CAD/CAM designs are due no later than the end of class THIS Thursday, December 7th.

Your completed pinball machine is due at the end of class on Thursday, December 14th.

Now is the time to review:
the Pinball Project
the project rubric

  1. Inputs:
    -the input must closed/triggered long enough for the program to loop through one time
    -input ideas: trigger a ball release, use copper tape to make a switch, catch and hold the pinball
  2. Arduino programming: your pinball program is like your stoplight program- an input (the button) triggers and output (LED).
    basic structure of an Arduino program with if/else
    -programming servos using Arduino
  3. BEFORE you send me a design for laser cutting read the laser cutting guidelines.
  4. Designs for the 3D printer must:
    -be your own design
    -be no larger than 120mm by 120 mm
    -emailed to drakd3dprinter@gmail.com