We are in 506 today.
- input/output review as a class.
- field trip to stoplight – bring your worksheet.
- what input/output sequence do you want for the stoplight?
We are in 506 today.
3d printer that runs from your smartphone – $99!!
college student 3d prints his own Invisalign
Ready for more? Add an RGB LED and get one LED to become many colors.
>if you are getting an error that looks like this:
your Arduino is likely not connect to the correct port. Things to check:
>error: you are missing a semi-colon ;
>error: you are missing a curly brace }
showcase Arduino project: Mjolnir (Thor’s Hammer)
Introduction the Arduino IDE (integrated development environment)
Search your computer for Arduino and open the program.
Introduction to Arduino- today we are in room 127
Arduino and 123dcircuits introduction
today’s goals NOTE this is the last in-class workday for this project. All other work must be completed during tutorials. We begin a new project on Friday.
complete axle cap designs in tinkercad.com
submit your design for printing – designs needed from Jake, Sofia, Nio, Vinnie, Hayden, Ivan, Randy, Ian
assemble gears on panel
axle cap assignment
due to be submitted by the end of today’s class. If you have already completed this section scroll down to Part 2.
today’s goals:
axle caps – due to be submitted by the end of today’s class. If you have already completed this section scroll down to Part 2.
update your portfolio -once you have already finished the task above then update your digital portfolio. This can be found at sites.google.com. Create a section on your portfolio website called “CAD/CAM- Gear Project”.
Answer the following prompts in this section of your digital portfolio:
1. What is the overall goal of this project?
2. Describe the different types of CAD/CAM that you have used in this project.
3. In your opinion, which of these types of CAM are the most useful. Describe why you think this type is most useful and an example of how it is being used in engineering and design.
today’s goals: