Pinball Project work period
last laser cutting deadline Wednesday: submit your laser cut design by clicking here
This should be an image that it relevant to your project topic. Designs submitted today are eligible for PARTIAL CREDIT. Each pinball machine must have at least one laser engraved/cut image. The last day to submit a laser cut design is at then end of tutorial on Wednesday. Designs submitted after Wednesday at 3:35pm will receive a zero.
>due this past Tuesday: use what you learn to answer this question: “Describe how you will educate the player about your topic WHILE they play your pinball machine.“ Click here to submit the answer for you/your group.
DUE DATE CHANGE: The Pinball Project is due at the end of class on Monday, December 16th Tuesday, December 17th.
Pinball Project descriptor
Pinball Topic & Partner List
Construction inspiration, techniques and ideas
Build a pinball machine – ideas for ball launcher and flippers
Arduino and Wiring Circuits
Input/Output Project Description
adding a button to your program and circuit
adding comments to your Arduino program
using Serial Monitor in Arduino
programming and wiring a servo in Arduino
programming a buzzer in Arduino
programming a motion sensor in Arduino
programming a photoresistor (light sensor) in Arduino
Laser cutting and engraving
Click here to submit to your file for laser cutting
Inkscape/laser cutting: set the cutline to one thousandth of inch
Inkscape/laser cutting: set the margins of your document AND save as PDF
Inkscape/laser cutting: import a file into Inkscape and center it on your shape