
Three Mondays and five block periods until your project is due.

Engineering Club IS ON for this Thursday after school.

Mr. Milstead’s tutorial will be held in the Engineering room this Wednesday.

Have your goals changed for this Thursday?  TELL US TODAY.  Write your new goals on a Post-It note  DO NOT WAIT UNTIL THURSDAY TO UPDATE GOALS. We will grade you based on your progress towards these goals.

Click here for the Arduino Arcade Machine resource page.  This includes Arduino links, 3d printing and laser cutting resources, and circuit wiring diagrams.



Have your goals changed for this Thursday?  TELL US TODAY.  Write your new goals on a Post-It note  DO NOT WAIT UNTIL THURSDAY TO UPDATE GOALS. We will grade you based on your progress towards these goals.

Thee two groups need to meet with with Mr. Milstead to set their goals.
Cloud Computing
Oculus Rift
Click here to submit your progress goals – one per group.

Click here to view group goals.  Did your group turn in a goal?

Click here for the Arduino Arcade Machine resource page.  This includes Arduino links, 3d printing and laser cutting resources, and circuit wiring diagrams.


Work towards the goals you set for this Thursday.  We will grade you based on your progress towards these goals.

If you did not submit group goals then do so today for partial credit.  Check the link below to see who has submitted goals.  Click here to submit your progress goals – one per group.

Click here to view group goals.  Did your group turn in a goal?

Click here for the Arduino Arcade Machine resource page.  This includes Arduino links, 3d printing and laser cutting resources, and circuit wiring diagrams.




Arduino and circuit building exam – click here
The password is…

During the exam do not talk to anyone other than the teacher.  Do not use any resources – Internet, phone, friend, neighbor or enemy.

If a question needs clarification please ask the teacher.

AFTER the exam you will work on your project. Focus on your goals that you set for next week.

You can view everyone’s goals here.

Question about the project?  Visit the Arduino Arcade game resource page.  Programming, wiring, building suggestions, laser cutting and 3d printing.  All there.


1. Finish your scale drawing.
2. Bring your plan to Mr. Davis and Mr. Milstead for feedback and approval.
3. You will have the opportunity to ask review and clarifying questions to help you prepare for the exam.
4. Work with your group to prepare a list of important tasks that you will complete for this project.  We will give progress grades based on your plans on two dates: Thursday, 4/26 and Thursday, 5/2.  Click here to submit your progress goals – one per group.

DONE WITH ALL OF THIS?  Start working.  You have NINE block periods and FOUR Mondays work work on this project in class.  Don’t wait to work.


Welcome back – hope your break went well.

This is a long agenda as we have outlined the week’s plan for you.


  1. prep for Thursday’s Arduino programming and circuit building test.  This will be an online multiple-choice test.  Here’s the review sheet.  We will also give you a printed copy.
  2. Arduino Arcade Machine (AAM) work today:  work with your group member to draw a full scale plan for your machine.  This is also known as a 1:1 scale drawing which means that one inch on the drawing is one inch in real life.
    Use your rough drafts as a reference and discuss placement of various elements such as inputs, outputs and decorations.  The time you invest in this drawing will build a solid foundation for the rest of your work.  Note that this plan will be displayed and this is a graded assignment.
    Your scale drawing should include the following information and details:
    -your names.
    -the subject of your machine.
    -measurements of height, width and depth where relevant.
    -at least two views of your machine – like front and side.  You are encouraged to draw all views.
    -placement of major objects such as servos, LEDs, graphics and other items.

1. We will review each group’s plan with the group.
2. You will have the opportunity to ask review and clarifying questions to help you prepare for the exam.
3. Work with your group to prepare a list of important tasks that you will complete for this project.  We will give progress grades based on your plans on two dates: Thursday, 4/26 and Thursday, 5/2.  Click here to submit your progress goals – one per group.

Wednesday tutorial: Mr. Milstead will be in room 127.  Inkscape and Arduino help are available.  Mr. Milstead will be moving his tutorial to the Engineering room in the weeks to come.

1. Arduino programming and circuit building exam.
2. Project work time for the remainder of the period.



Your input/output project is due at the end of fifth period today.  

During our Morning and afternoon worktime:
1. comment your code
2. print out your code (in Arduino, click on File and choose Print.   There is only one printer in the room).
3. attach your code to your poster.

At the end of the day make sure that you project and poster are placed on the work tables in the shop.  Make sure your that your name is on EVERYTHING.