Let’s finish up favorite cars.
Then you can start on Scratch: Three Lists
Boston Dynamics Robot autonomously working on an assembly line – NOT remote controlled
One Amazon Van + five self driving cars = click here
Current assignments:
Haunted/Post Apocalyptic House redesign.
Custom Text on a Custom Poster
Period 3: Let’s talk about lists and then finish up your Buzzfeed quiz.
Period 2: Current Assignments
Let’s talk about text and graphics.
–Rock Posters from 1971 to the present
Your assignments:
Finish up the Haunted/Post Apocalyptic House redesign.
If you have completed the Haunted House, start the Custom Text on a Custom Poster assignment
Update on the black square of doom (BSOD): it is tied to one app that the District runs on all desktops. The app is trying to push through a window that never populates the BSOD.
Today is the day to finish your Scratch Buzzfeed quiz. It is due at the end of the period.
First, let’s make some money today. I mean, print out your money redesigns. Then cut them out and glue front and back together!
I will guide you through printing so that your designs come out to the desired size.
Your next Photoshop creation is the Haunted/Post Apocalyptic House redesign.
Remember when we said you could escape the robot apocalypse by jumping the water?
let’s talk about your Scratch Buzzfeed Quiz:
-using broadcast to call different parts of your program
-handling questions and adding points
-providing the user with results
Did you see Comet Tsuchinshan-Atlas – it’s in this pic. Click to zoom in.
Period 3: Let’s write a Buzzfeed Quiz in Scratch!
Period 2: quick survey to get an idea of what would be interesting next for you all – click here. We will still work with Photoshop for a few more weeks.
Today’s a day to get caught up – new Photoshop on Wednesday.
Before we jump into Photoshop today, I need your help with sorting out the Photoshop AI issues.
Let’s test out Generative AI on your computers and then fill out your results in this short survey.
Today, please finish the Making Money project. Reminder: you are turning in TWO different denominations (amounts of money) and designs for the front and back of each piece of money. Turn them in as JPG files.
Next up is the Movie Poster project. Come on up and draw the movie title name and names of the stars in your movie. My sample is below…see if you can find the tiny, holographic Jay-Z in the poster.