
Today both Milstead and Varvil’s sections will be working on the same assignment.  Your work will be to familiarize yourself with the foundations of computer programming through self-paced online work.  Note that your work and progress today will be recorded and all work is graded.

Here’s how your work will be graded:

-20% creating your account
-40% completing stage 2
-40% completing stage 3

Part 1 – create an account at code.org: 

To earn credit for this work you must register via this link.  If it does not open in your browser you may copy and paste this link directly: http://studio.code.org/join/HGSLVH

Part 2 – Code Studio work

Login to your code.org account and begin course #2.  Complete the following by the end of the class today:

-stage 2 – all sections
-stage 3 – all sections

Do not complete stages 1 or 2.  These are paper based activities and will not be graded.


Start designing.  Begin by designing the space (hole) that will hold the flash drive itself.  This is a good time to measure the flash drive AGAIN.  Measure twice, cut once.  A significant part of your grade is based on how well your measurements accurately allow for the flash drive to be hot glued into the 3d print as well as how well the flash drive fits into the USB port.

After you have built the hole you may begin designing the outer case.  Don’t start with the case design until you have finished the hole and CHECKED YOUR MEASUREMENTS.

3-5-2015/Milstead’s group


Part 1 (15 minutes)
IF your keychain printed then add the following to your blog:
-a photo of your keychain
-a description of what you learned – be specific about what you learned about 3d printing and what was the same or different between your tinkercad.com and your 3d print.
-a description of what you would do differently

Part 2 (30 minutes)
1. measure for your flash drive project – click here to learn how to use the calipers

2. complete the flash drive project worksheet with your measurements

3. draw your final design on the worksheet and include measurements in millimeterflashdriveworksheetcompletes.  Limit your design to no larger than 90mmx60mmx20mm.  Keep in mind that the flash drive holder has to fit in ALL USB drives.

4. begin your design work.