
Hello all…here’s what we are working on this week:

Input with Functions – due by midnight on Tuesday, March 31st- create an Arduino program that includes an input and at least two functions.  Details in the assignment.

Arduino photoresistor – this assignment is live and due Thursday by midnight.  Click here for full details.

Past assignments:
due 3-26-2020: Basic Functions

due 3-24-2020: Basic Serial Monitor

due 3-19-2020: LED + Servo Circuit

due 3-16-2020: Simple Servo Circuit

Click here to follow the instructions to turn in your Tinkercad circuit.  You can’t just send me the link to your design as it won’t let me look at it.  Please follow the directions above and thanks.

Click here to turn in any of your Tinkercad assignments. 


Thanks to all who have taken our March da Vinci survey.  Your info is very helpful and your comments are heartwarming, amazing and are giving us great suggestions and ideas.  The survey link is right here – please take it. 

Your first assignment of the week is the Basic Serial Monitor 
It is due by the midnight on Tuesday.

Your second assignment due by Thursday at midnight: Arduino: Basic Functions

Click here to see the da Vinci Calendar for the week

Click here to follow the instructions to turn in your Tinkercad circuit.  You can’t just send me the link to your design as it won’t let me look at it.  Please follow the directions above and thanks.

Click here to turn in any of your Tinkercad assignments. 



Today we have an online help session scheduled for 1 pm.  Please join in if you have questions about any of your Arduino work, want to talk about grades (scroll down to the 3/18 post with some info about your grades) or just want to see some new faces.

The web address is posted on the daVinci Calendar spreadsheet and has been emailed to you.  Please email me at rmilstead@tamdistrict.org if you have any questions or need the meeting details.


quick Wednesday update:

grades: I’ve updated grades through Simple Servo Circuit.
If you have an NYG for any Arduino grade it means that I don’t have access to your shared circuit.  Please follow these instructions to share your completed circuit and turn it in again.
Please email me at rmilstead@tamdistrict.org if you have any questions.

Your next assignment is due Thursday, March 19th by midnight: Arduino LED and Servo combined.

Previous assignment: Simple Servo Circuit

Click here to follow the instructions to turn in your Tinkercad circuit.  You can’t just send me the link to your design as it won’t let me look at it.  Please follow the directions above and thanks.

Click here to turn in any of your Tinkercad circuits.


I hope that all of you are doing well during our time away from school.

Your next assignment is due by midnight on Monday, 3/16.  Please email me at rmilstead@tamdistrict.org if you have any questions or concerns.  This assignment was emailed to Principles of Tech on the afternoon of 3/15.  If you aren’t getting my emails please let me know.  Thanks.

Assignment: Simple Servo Circuit

Click here to follow the instructions to turn in your Tinkercad circuit.  You can’t just send me the link.

Click here to turn in your servo assignment.  This is the simple servo circuit.



  1. I sent you a test email – reply to it and answer the question for an easy ten points.  This is so I can check if your email is setup in eSchoolPLUS.  If school closes then I will be assigning Arduino work in Tinkercad.  Check your email at least once a day in the evening.  If you need help accessing a computer or the Internet during a school closure please ask me.  The school can help.
  2. Arduino – today we work with REAL Arduinos, breadboards and circuit building.
    1. to start – grab an Arduino, an LED and a USB cable.
    2. now add a breadboard, wires, 2 LEDs, and three resistors.
    3. time allowing – servos!


today: we work continue our hands-on work with Arduinos.  On Thursday you will join Coach Alex in the shop and we will switch groups.

1. use an LED, resistor, breadboard and wires to build a circuit connected to pin 13 on you Arduino.  Upload the same Blink program that we used yesterday.

2. open up your three LED circuit on Tinkercad and use it as a guide to wire a three LED circuit on your breadboard. Copy and paste your Tinkercad code into a new Arduino program. Upload this code to the Arduino.

3. together we will connect a servo to your breadboard and program the servo to move.  Click here for details – you won’t believe what happens next.



All – using the serial monitor with an Arduino.  Totally useful.
1. create a new circuit in Tinkercad with two leds.
2. change the code so that is has this sequence:
>first LED on
>first LED off
>second LED on
>second LED off

3. we will add the code for a serial monitor into your program.

4. now it’s time for the real thing. The Arduino.  I will give each of an Arduino and a cable.