
Would you let a robo-car drive your (future) kids around? Because fewer teens are getting driver’s licenses

I asked AI to “create an image of a self driving car dropping children off at school”. This is what it produced.

Today’s schedule:

Period 2- 9:00-10:20
Period 4- 10:30-11:50
Period 6- 12:00-1:20

today’s Computer Graphics work:
1. We will keep working with the: Ironman and Lincoln images

2. the create your own  Photoshop Time Travel image



You need to save your work to Google Drive. It’s WAY easier if you sign in to the Google Drive app.

If you save your files to storage on the desktops, the files will be deleted when the computer is restarted.  Use Google Drive.

Click here for a short, silent video tutorial about using the Google Drive app.

Click here to for a short, silent video tutorial about Photoshop & opening/saving direct to Google Drive.


Part 1: Group Photo Editing

Part 2:

1. Today we will explore essential tools in Photoshop: Select subject, Magnetic Lasso,  Quick Masking and Layer Masking.

Let’s get started by downloading these two images: Ironman Lincoln

2. On your own: Photoshop Time Travel




Coming up this week:
1. Thursday, 8-29-24 is Back to School Night.
2. Friday is a minimum day.
3. Monday school is closed for Labor Day.

Period 2
To get started, download these four images and open them up in Photoshop. The images are linked below.




After we have worked on these tools together, follow the link below for your assignment:

Editing a group photo.

Period 3

1. click here to take a one-question survey about the Scratch programming language. 

2. please go to the Scratch home page (scratch.mit.edu)
>if you have an existing Scratch account, please feel free to keep using it OR
>create a new account

3. Follow this link to tell me what your Scratch username is.

4. Scratch intro and refresher.
-block types and what they do
-using sprites
-sprite motion
-changing backgrounds





Welcome to Principles of Tech!

iPhone 16 Rumors!

Part 1:

  1. class review and expectations.
  2. class survey – click here
  3. setup Google Drive

Part 2:
Today’s Photoshop skills relate to removing objects from an image. We will use the Content Aware tool and the Clone Stamp tool.

What about using AI?  We will definitely use AI in Photoshop but the district needs to configure the computers so that Adobe AI features are available.  

To get started, download these four images and open them up in Photoshop. The images are linked below.




After we have worked on these tools together, follow the link below for your assignment:

Editing a group photo.