
On the Monday after break we will begin our work with electric circuits, components and Arduino programming.


First 60 minutes-
1. finish your laser cut puzzle.

2. check your email for puzzle design revisions.

3. done with laser cut bagtag and puzzle? You can make a second bagtag, puzzle OR try building a laser cut box.

Need help with Inkscape?  Check out one of these tutorials:

-set the cutline to one thousandth of inch

 set the margins of your document AND save as PDF

-import a file into Inkscape and center it on your shape

-how to make a laser cut puzzle using Inkscape


new Inkscape tool – the Bezier tool

  1. hand back completed Laser Cuts– if you received your laser cut bagtag today then:
    1. review the Laser Cut puzzle assignment
    2. follow along with the “how to make a laser cut puzzle using Inkscape” video tutorial as you build your puzzle.

2. IF you did not get your laser cut bag tag returned to you then check your email before to see WHY I was unable to laser cut your design.

Video tutorials (if you don’t have headphones just turn on the closed captioning)

If the cutline is missing OR is not on thousandth of an inch
-set the cutline to one thousandth of inch

if you didn’t save your document as a PDF OR your margins are off
 set the margins of your document AND save as PDF

-import a file into Inkscape and center it on your shape

-how to make a laser cut puzzle using Inkscape



Together we will finish the Laser Cut Bagtag/Keychain.

AFTER you have sent me your bagtag file then begin your Laser Cut Puzzle design.  You will work watch my video tutorial while working on this project.

Note: all laser cutter submissions will not be emailed to:


Save as a PDF and attach your file.  If it’s not a PDF I can’t laser cut your design.  Put your first and last name in the subject line.

First laser cut together: laser cut bag tag/keychain



today:  last day to work on 3d printing – next up is laser cutting and engraving.

First 15 minutes:

1. finish and send me your keychain and/or ring 3d prints.  

img_7210Introduction to Inkscape and Laser cutting

Cutting – cuts through material
Engraves – burns the design in the material

  1. Open Inkscape on your computer
  2. using Google Advanced Image Search – filetype: PNG – search for an image you want to laser cut.  Line drawings and silhouettes work well.  Photos do not engrave well at all.

Laser Cutting Checklist

Note: all laser cutter submissions will not be emailed to:


Save as a PDF and attach your file.  If it’s not a PDF I can’t laser cut your design.  Put your first and last name in the subject line.

First laser cut together: laser cut bag tag/keychain

AFTER you have sent me your bagtag file then begin your Laser Cut Puzzle design.  You will work watch my video tutorial while working on this project.


today- the successful launch of Falcon Heavy (plus Tesla Roadster in space)!

  1. Review – how to save to your network drive.
  2. I have not printed any more keychains – we can print more during class today.
  3. Next 3d print – the Magnetic Ring.
    1. using the caliper to measure your finger AND the magnet
    2. useful skill: making the hole for your finger
    3. useful skill: rotating an object
  4. When you ring is DONE and submitted see me about Laser Cutting and Engraving.