
Let’s start working in Autodesk Fusion.

  1. go to your email and accept the Fusion invitation that we created in the last class.  If you still need a Fusion invitation or it didn’t arrive come on up and we will figure it out.
  2. Launch Fusion.
  3. Together, we will make a donut.
  4. Turn in your completed donut on the Canvas assignment. I will show you how to generate the link to your design.



Period 2:

Please come up to my computer and register your invitation to Autodesk Fusion by entering your name and school email address.

Period 3:

Python or Scratch? I know you selected to be in the Python or Scratch group last fall. Along the way, some of you have asked to switch from one group to the other- yes!

Please re-take the Scratch or Python Group survey today. This will allow me to re-do the groups. Thanks.