
Welcome back…

today – refresh your memory – Arduino programming and circuit building: you will create a circuit from scratch that has a red, yellow and green LED. Each LED will turn on one at a time.


1. login to tinkercad.com

2. click on the name of your circuit (Dazzling bumo or whatever) and change the name to your last name and RYG like this: Milstead RYG

3. create a blank circuit and drag over an Arduino and breadboard to get started

4. build a circuit with the following:
-a red LED connected to pin 13
-a yellow LED connected to pin 12
-a green LED connected to pin 11
-use resistors in each LED circuit
-change the wire colors to red for positive, black for negative

5. program your new circuit so it works like this:
-the red LED comes on first
-half a second later (500 milliseconds) the yellow LED comes on
-one second later (1000 milliseconds) the green LED comes on

6. submit your completed circuit and program by clicking here
This assignment is called RED YELLOW GREEN CIRCUIT



Arduino programming and circuit building begins TODAY
These skills will be combined with your laser cutting and shop skills in the creation of your final, group da Vinci project.

Part 1: logging in to www.tinkerdcad.com and setting up your first Arduino program
Part 2: building a virtual circuit in tinkercad.com and modifying your code. SHOW ME YOUR CODE for Part 2
Part 3: blinking multiple LEDs SHOW ME YOUR CODE for Part 3
Part 4: adding a button to your circuit

Last 20 minutes – we run the Marble Mazes!!


Arduino programming and circuit building begins TODAY
These skills will be combined with your laser cutting and shop skills in the creation of your final, group da Vinci project.

Part 1: logging in to www.tinkerdcad.com and setting up your first Arduino program
Part 2: building a virtual circuit in tinkercad.com and modifying your code. SHOW ME YOUR CODE for Part 2
Part 3: blinking multiple LEDs SHOW ME YOUR CODE for Part 3
Part 4: adding a button to your circuit


Your next laser cut design: a spinner obstacle for your marble maze.

The goal is to create a shape that will catch the marble, spin on a central axis, and dump the ball into the rest of the maze.

-no larger than 3 by 3 inches
-put a 1/4 inch (.25) hole in the center of your shape

-set the cutline to one thousandth of inch
-import a file into Inkscape and center it on your shape
-before you print: set the margins of your document AND save as PDF