Please put your phone in the phone hotel as you enter class.
Tech News: The Rabbit R1 AI assistant is getting lots of attention. First 10,000 sold out FAST. Short video here, short demo here and full website at
-learn how to sign into your Google Drive and access files on your computer
After considering your votes for our next work, I have decided to split us into two groups:
Photoshop Group:
1. Today we will explore essential tools in Photoshop: Select subject, Magnetic Lasso, Quick Masking and Layer Masking.
Let’s get started by downloading these two images: Ironman Lincoln
2. On your own: Photoshop Time Travel
Web Design Group- while I am working with the Photoshop group please do the following:
1. Follow this link to enroll in your CodeHS Web Design course.
2. Once you area enrolled in your Web Design course, do the following on your own: -take the short Web Design pretest. It’s ok if you don’t know the answers to these questions. This is just to check your current knowledge.
-start the lesson sections 2.1 and 2.2
3. We will work together to talk about the structure of a website and discuss HTML.