Important dates:
Wednesday, May 2nd – ninth and tenth graders will review and evaluate the progress of their own diorama and those of other groups. You will generate a written action plan based on the outcome of this session.
Friday, May 4th – last day to submit CAD/CAM design files. Also Star Wars Day.
Wednesday, May 16th – full dress rehearsal with working diorama.
Wednesday, May 22nd – last day to work on diorama during 7th period.
Goals for the week – these will be graded on Thursday:
1. Cardboard back drop.
2. At least 2 more CAD/CAM files submitted. Work to make these images as accurate as possible for your culture, animals, plants and geography. Don’t just laser cut a random “house”. Find a house that is accurate to your culture.
3. Fully functioning servo system.
BEFORE YOU SEND ME YOUR CAD/CAM file check here first:
>laser cut – click here and
>Laser cutting tutorials
>3d printed – click here
Your CAD/CAM lists – click here
Arduino resources:
>working with servos
>using serial monitor
>basic structure of an Arduino program