
Check the status of your CAD/CAM jobs by clicking here.

Monday and Tuesday are work days – at the end of Tuesday you will setup your diorama for Wedneday’s group evaluation.

All are welcome in Mr. Milstead’s tutorial on Wednesdays in room 127.  Ask Mrs. Buchanan to open the Engineering room for your, grade your supplies, and come to 127.


CAD/CAM files submitted

Due at the end of class TODAY:

1.       Cardboard back drop. 

2.       At least 2 more CAD/CAM files submitted.  Work to make these images as accurate as possible for your culture, animals, plants and geography.  Don’t just laser cut a random “house”.  Find a house that is accurate to your culture.

3.       Fully functioning servo system.


BEFORE YOU SEND ME YOUR CAD/CAM file check here first:
>laser cut – click here and
Laser cutting tutorials
>3d printed – click here

Your CAD/CAM lists – click here

Arduino resources:
>working with servos
>using serial monitor
>basic structure of an Arduino program

Important dates:

Wednesday, May 2nd – ninth and tenth graders will review and evaluate the progress of their own diorama and those of other groups. You will generate a written action plan based on the outcome of this session.

Friday, May 4th – last day to submit CAD/CAM design files.  Also Star Wars Day.

Wednesday, May 16th – full dress rehearsal with working diorama.

Wednesday, May 22nd – last day to work on diorama during 7th period.


Important dates:

Wednesday, May 2nd – ninth and tenth graders will review and evaluate the progress of their own diorama and those of other groups. You will generate a written action plan based on the outcome of this session.

Friday, May 4th – last day to submit CAD/CAM design files.  Also Star Wars Day.

Wednesday, May 16th – full dress rehearsal with working diorama.

Wednesday, May 22nd – last day to work on diorama during 7th period.

Goals for the week – these will be graded on Thursday:

1.       Cardboard back drop. 

2.       At least 2 more CAD/CAM files submitted.  Work to make these images as accurate as possible for your culture, animals, plants and geography.  Don’t just laser cut a random “house”.  Find a house that is accurate to your culture.

3.       Fully functioning servo system.


BEFORE YOU SEND ME YOUR CAD/CAM file check here first:
>laser cut – click here and
Laser cutting tutorials
>3d printed – click here

Your CAD/CAM lists – click here

Arduino resources:
>working with servos
>using serial monitor
>basic structure of an Arduino program




Today is a work period.  You will be graded on your completion of these goals at the end of class TODAY:
>first draft of servo movement programmed and working.  We plug in your Arduino and it works.
>half of your CAD/CAM images found and saved on your school network drive.
>one CAD/CAM file done and submitted.  Read below for more information about submitting CAD/CAM files.

BEFORE YOU SEND ME YOUR CAD/CAM file check here first:
>laser cut – click here and
Laser cutting tutorials
>3d printed – click here

Your CAD/CAM lists – click here

As of end of Tuesday I laser cut:
Capetown – Penguin
DRC – Gorilla
Saudia Arabia – Camel
South Korea – Cherry Tree
Uruguay – Cow

Need revisions (check your email for details):


Arduino resources:
>working with servos
>using serial monitor
>basic structure of an Arduino program


Today is a work period.  You will be graded on your completion of these goals at the end of class on Thursday:
>rough draft of servo movement programmed and working.
>half of your CAD/CAM images found and saved on your school network drive.
>one CAD/CAM file done and submitted.  Read below for more information about submitting CAD/CAM files.

Laser cutting tutorials

Submitting a CAD/CAM file:
>laser cut – click here
>3d printed – click here

Your CAD/CAM lists – click here

Arduino resources:
>working with servos
>using serial monitor
>basic structure of an Arduino program


Submit your list of CAD/CAM components by clicking here.  You only need ONE list per group.

On Thursday we will have a quest on all the material that we have covered through today.  Use your notes and previous quizzes as study material.

Quest content – with relevant links:
1. circuit diagrams and symbols
2. wiring and breadboards
3. soldering
4. LEDs – standard and RGB
5. servos – standard and continuous
6. using the Serial Monitor with an Arduino
7. shop safety
8. Arduino programming and troubleshooting
9. woodworking
10. CAD/CAM – laser cutting with Inkscape and 3d printing