
Battlebots will fight tomorrow in Engineering.  We will meet in room 127 to get our robots and then head to the Engineering room.

The competition will be tournament style with brackets leading to a final championship.

After the competition you will leave your robot in the Engineering room for me to grade.

1. give us your preferences for the next project’s groups.  Either follow this link or the QR code below.  You need to login to your school account to access the Google form.  If you don’t complete this form by the end of class on Tuesday we will pick your group for you.

2. you have time to work on your robots today and tomorrow at lunch.

3. make sure that your Battlebot has your (and your partner’s name) clearly written on the bot.


Battebots postponed until next week!

The good news: you get another class period to work.

The bad news: I have a bad cold (covid negative) so I’m staying home.

Do your best to help each other troubleshoot and I look forward to seeing you next week.


We battle on Tuesday, April 19th! Thursday, April 21st in the Engineering Room!!  You have time to completed your robot on Tuesday and during both tutorials on Wednesday.  Thursday is not a work day.

Be sure to write your name/partner’s name on your robot. The bottom is fine.

Turn in a video of your robot on Canvas.  Your video should show the robot moving and using its weapon while being remote controlled.

On Thursday we will meet in room 127 and then head down to Engineering with our robots.

Click here for the full Battlebot resource page.  This includes competition rules, sample programs and sample 3d models.


We battle on Tuesday, April 19th! Thursday, April 21st in the Engineering Room!!  You have time to work Monday, Tuesday and during both tutorials on Wednesday.

On Thursday we will meet in room 127 and then head down to Engineering with our robots.

Click here for the full Battlebot resource page.  This includes competition rules, sample programs and sample 3d models.



Welcome back!  I hope that break brought you what you needed.

1. I printed out many of your 3d designs over break.  Let me know if you design has not printed yet.

2. Click here for the full Battlebot resource page.  This includes competition rules, sample programs and sample 3d models.

3. Your next priorities are:
>Battlebot building
>circuit building