did you see the new Tesla Model X? The doors!!
- finish your notebook clip
- update your website
- once you have accomplished both – and show me your website – then you may start the next project.
did you see the new Tesla Model X? The doors!!
tech news
review Magnetic Ring assignment.
If you have not finished and submitted your keychain do that first. Then answer questions 1-3 on your Project Website. Click here for a link to the questions.
If your keychain has been printed then do the following:
After you have updated your project website for the keychain then move onto the magnetic ring project.
tech news- 3d printed cosmetics and houses
tech news – Texas 9th grader/future engineer get’s an invite to the White House
3d printed Ironman hand for child by Limbitless
It’s our last day to get work done in the lab. On Monday we will all meet in Varvil’s room and you will spend the next three weeks working with him.
Each of you will receive an exit ticket to track your progress. You must show me this at end of class to leave the room. Anything that you have not completed by the end of class TODAY is due on Monday. It is your homework.
Make sure that your website is current and up to date. The following projects should be documented on your project website:
Follow these guidelines to make sure that your projects are current.
Part 1 – update your Project website for the keychain and ring. Follow these guidelines and answer the questions as described. Do this for both the keychain and ring project.
Part 2 -finish assembling your ring and magnet. Keep the glue on the middle table and do not get it near the computers.
Part 3 – how to 3d print a moving object.
Part 4 – the kinetic 3d print.