Try Google Whisk – new AI image gen tool
Scratch folks: you get to make a Number Guessing game!
Python folks: you get to write a Ratings Comparison program.
Try Google Whisk – new AI image gen tool
Scratch folks: you get to make a Number Guessing game!
Python folks: you get to write a Ratings Comparison program.
Scratch group: we will build a program together that Visualizes Data
Python group: create a number guessing game – watch the videos first
Preview for after break: Arduino Circuits & Programming
No new assignments or work today.
We continue our learning in Fusion with this tutorial: Block with Ridges
SAVE OFTEN. Fusion does not autosave.
Today is a minimum day:
Today, you get to make a custom jar with threaded lid and your initials using Fusion.
Scratch Group – TWO player PONG GAME
Python Group: a thrilling thermostat program
Welcome to February!
Period 2: start this well-crated video tutorial that guides you through building a model of a the Saturn V rocket.
I’ve cued it up at the start of the building tutorial.
Period 3:
Scratch group: Financial Planner
Python group: begin the Basic Calculator assignment by watching the video on the assignment page
Scratch Group: Budget Program
Python Group:
1. Python If/Else intro
2. Python Riddles