Usefull/less Robot

Your mission is to design and program an Arduino controlled robot.

You are welcome to use existing projects from the Internet.  Instructables is a great place to look.

What you need to use:
-a program
-an Arduino
-a breadboard
-an input like:
>a wide variety of sensors!  Ask me.
-at least two different types of outputs:
-if you are working solo you need at least three outputs. If you are with a partner you need five total outputs.

What it should do:
-accept an input (like a button press or a sensor)
-perform an action based on that input
-produce an output

What could it be?!
Well, think about the Drawbot that you made.  Wonderful but not too useful…
-a robot that drives on a piece of paper and draws a design
-a robot that follows a light source