Arduino Buzzer and Lights

Your mission is to build and program a circuit that combines lights and sound.

Click here for help with building a buzzer circuit and programming the buzzer.

1. start a new circuit in Tinkercad.
2. name your circuit with your last name and buzzer and lights – like this: Milstead buzzer and lights.
3. circuit:
>wire in at least two LEDs of different colors – use a 220 ohm resistor
>wire in one piezo buzzer – use a 5000 ohm resistor
>make all negative wires black
>make all positive wires red
4. program:
>use variables in your code for the each LED and the piezo buzzer
>use this order in your code:
-the first LED turns on for half a second
-the first LED turns off for half a second
-the buzzer sounds for half a second
-the second LED turns on for a second
-the second LED turns off for a second
-the buzzer sounds for half a second

Turn in your circuit on canvas.  BEFORE you send me the link it has to be made public in Tinkercad.  Click here to make your design public.  DO this first before you submit your circuit and program.