

by end of class:

-approved plan
-portfolio updated with image of APPROVED marble maze plan – this happens BEFORE you cut on the band saw
-verify that your portfolio is visible and that the images work
-cut marble maze panel on band saw

  1. meet with your team
  2. check with neighbors to make sure marble and exits on proper location
  3. draw plan with partner and submit final plan
  4. submit plan to Varvil and Milstead for approval and copying
  5. in the computer lab:
    1. upload image of APPROVED marble maze plan
    2. fix any sharing issues as needed -check this website to see if your website is publicly visible and that the images are visible.  Need help fixing an issue?  Ask Milstead.
  6. after approval use band saw to cut panel shapes
  7. time allowing: work with August at drill press


How to setup your Principles of Tech project portfolio
This online portfolio will be the public, online location where you will share your progress on your projects throughout this course.  Text, images and video will help your teachers to assess y0ur progress.  It will also serve as permanent and public archive of your work and learning to share with others.

Mr. Varvil has created a fine video tutorial that walks your through setting up.  Use this to guide you through the setup:

After you have setup your portfolio then please share the web address of your BRAND NEW Project Portfolio by clicking here.


today’s agenda

-complete marble maze plans
-each student hands-on with band saw
-build project website and upload image of plan to individual websites
-send the URL of your project website to Mr. Milstead and Mr. Varvil

  1. assign groups and project drawers
  2. plan and draw layout for marble maze boards
  3. talk to groups above and/or below your marble board to confirm entry and exit for marbles
  4. all students – bandsaw introduction
  5. individual students work hands-on with Varvil on band saw during planning

How to setup your Principles of Tech project portfolio
This online portfolio will be the public, online location where you will share your progress on your projects throughout this course.  Text, images and video will help your teachers to assess y0ur progress.  It will also serve as permanent and public archive of your work and learning to share with others.

Mr. Varvil has created a fine video tutorial that walks your through setting up.  Use this to guide you through the setup:

After you have setup your portfolio then please share the web address of your BRAND NEW Project Portfolio by clicking here.



Update your project website – all students:

  1. go to your project website (sites.google.com).
  2. add the following information to your website:
    1. create a Mini – Golf page if you don’t have one already.
    2. add at least three images of your final golf hole.
    3. write about the area that you specialized in (woodworking, CAD/CAM or programming).  Describe what challenges you faced and what steps you took to overcome them.  Include photos or  screenshots to support your work.
    4. describe what you learned from the process.  Use complete sentences and provide details.
    5. describe what you would have done differently.  Use complete sentences and provide details.
    6. submit your completed website by clicking here.  You will not get credit for you website if you do not submit it.

Complete the group project assessment formclick here – you rate yourself and your group members.  These responses will only be seen by Mr. Milstead and Mr. Varvil.  Please be open and honest in your assessment.

Complete the class survey- click here.  


all- check in as a class
>completed course with working celebration due at end of class on Friday
>worktime available: Wednesday/Friday tutorial and after school work sessions
>review a sample course
>ambition vs reality of your designs

>review printed designs – do they fit? do they work?
>if you have NOT submitted a design then…

submit a design for at least ONE part of your 3d printed switch today.  Your design should allow for the wiring to pass through.
>design checklist:
*show your design to Milstead BEFORE you submit
*is it public?
*are there any gaps between any parts?
*are all the parts grouped?
>submit your design here

>demonstrate working code for Milstead


>complete box today, glued and drying by end of period
>once your box has been assembled meet with your team to design the layout of your course
>design your course on graph paper (provided)
>show your course design to Mr. Varvil for approval

>remember – your switch design should fit INSIDE the provided tube.  You are NOT replacing the tube.
>work to reduce the overall size of your 3d print – some are taking more than six hours.
>submit a design for at least ONE part of your 3d printed switch today.  Your design should allow for the wiring to pass through.
>design checklist:
*show your design to Milstead BEFORE you submit
*is it public?
*are there any gaps between any parts?
*are all the parts grouped?
>submit your design here

>remember: start with your stoplight code – it’s all out using the button (input) to trigger your lights (output)
>goal by end of today is working code to breadboard circuit
>note: your circuit does not have to have ALL lights in place – it works to have ONE light per letter for testing



due from Monday – write outline of steps that are part of celebration in google doc – share with rpmteacher@gmail.com

diagram breadboard on paper

respond to Milstead’s feedback on your shared code outline

begin programming and/or breadboard work


using the handout draw THREE draft ideas for your 3d printed switch – review with Milstead and pick ONE

begin designing in Tinkercad – submit ONE component to be printed by the end of today’s class – click here to submit



  1. Find your assigned seats referring to the seating chart.
  2. Review  last Tuesday’s kick-off challenge.
  3. Review Final Project purpose and schedule.
  4. Absent last Tuesday?  Get makeup work from Milstead.

Goals by end of class today:

  1. Each group completes the brainstorming page from the packet and turns it in for grading and feedback.
  2. CAD/CAM:
    1. use digital calipers to measure golf balls, short tubes and momentary switches.  Paste handout in your engineering notebook.
    2. go to the computer lab and login to tinkercad.  Make sure that you can login to tinkercad.com.  Fix your login as needed.
  3. Programmers:
    1. using a Google Doc, create a document that describes – step by step – what will happen in your celebration code.  Stoplight example:  1) person pushes button, 2) green light goes off, 3) yellow light goes on for three seconds, etc.  Share with rpmteacher@gmail.com for credit.
    2. use the breadboard handout to draw your celebration circuit plan.  Paste handout in your engineering notebook.
  4. Woodworking: measure and record hole box dimensions.