Dream Vacation Web Page

You will create a three page website that outlines your absolute, most amazing Dream Vacation. You must leave the 415 area code (live big).

The three pages are:
-index (homepage)

All pages must be linked to each other using text hyperlinks.  All pages should use CSS styling.

Before you start your HTML, create a new folder labeled dream vacation.  Save all files for this assignment in dream vacation.

-save this page as index.html
-this the homepage of your website.
-you should have one incredible photo of your Dream Vacation destination and links to all other pages.

Map page:
-save this page as map.html and title it ” Map of (your destination)”.
-include a readable map of your destination. You may use an image of a map OR be bold and embed a Google Map.
-include links on this page to all of the other pages in your site.

Information page:
-save this page as info.html and title it “(your destination) Information”.
-create links to websites that have the following information:
>your destination’s weather.
>photos of your destination.
>a hotel near/in your destination.
-include links on this page to all of the other pages in your site.

Format each page so that text, backgrounds and colors work well together. Include images of you destination on each page. 

Sample html to get you started- click here!

Linking pages and linking to external websites:

Adding images: https://www.w3schools.com/html/html_images.asp

Changing background colors: https://www.w3schools.com/tags/att_body_bgcolor.asp

Making your web page background an image: https://www.w3schools.com/tags/att_body_background.asp