Ultrasonic Sensor and Servo Part 2

Did you finish part 1?  If not, go to Ultrasonic Sensor and Servo Part 1 first.

  1. in Tinkercad, add a second continuous servo to your circuit.
  2. in Tinkercad, change the program so that BOTH servos will stop when an object is detected nearby.
  3. now that you have a working circuit and program in Tinkercad, it’s time to build it in real life.
  4. rebuild your Tinkercad circuit with parts using the hardware that you build in your Tinkercad circuit.  Make sure to include the LCD panel.
  5. use tape (provided) and label one servo LEFT and one servo RIGHT.
  6. copy your program from Tinkercad to the Arduino program and upload to your circuit.
  7. test test test – do both servos stop at the same time when an object is close?

Robot planning:

Think about how want to setup your very basic robot so that it can drive forward and stop (or turn) when it gets close to an object.  On Thursday we will build!